International Congress

14th International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History. Sofia, Bulgaria
In memory of Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık (1916–2016)

Organized by:
Faculty of History, Sofia University
Center for Regional Studies and Analyses
National Library St. St. Cyril and Methodius
International Association for Ottoman Social and Economic History

the connection

The Ottoman Empire had a huge impact over the lands were I was born. There are plenty of examples were we can find ourselves in this history. The Culture, traditions and art are connected.
The city where I was born, Plovdiv, in this ages was a anchor point of trade and exchange. Many Bulgarian painters found inspiration from that to create some emblematic masterpieces.

“Market in Plovdiv” Ivan Mrkvička, 1880

the sign

I decided to compilate the natural connection between me and the my born place roots using the legacy of art. The place was the see site of Plovdiv painted by Tzanko Lavrenov. I saw the perfect shape there. In the other hand the Ottoman Empire were trading empire. The land connection between west and east was here. The symbiosis between the two arts was images and ornaments. I’ve been thinking the carpets have been this piece of art which translates the best this travels from direction and time.

the vision

the program


the products

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